I’m very pleased to announce that two of Brighton’s very own, Violet and Daisy Hilton, will be getting a plaque!

In 2018 the council confirmed the nomination of the Hilton twins for a plaque on their birth place, and by 2019 sufficient funds had been raised  to pay for it – thank you everyone.

The plaque was due to be unveiled on 29 May 2020, but as everyone knows, the COVID-19 pandemic stopped us all in our tracks.

Finally, if everything goes to plan, the plaque should be going up this year on Thursday 26 May 2022. The plan for the day is:

  • People gather from 11.30 for 11.45am
  • Official party arrives at 11.45am
  • Mayor arrives at 11.50am
  • Plaque is unveiled at noon
  • Speeches and photographs to follow

Alf, Brighton, UK

Thank you to the Wellcome Collection for the use of their images of Violet and Daisy.